Insomnia / Sleep Issues

Insomnia / Sleep issues

Insomnia is “difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or both”. Insomnia may therefore be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep.

Episodes may come and go (episodic insomnia), last up to 3 weeks (short-term), or be long-lasting (chronic insomnia).

Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice. Many people remain unaware of the Ayurvedic herbal options available to treat insomnia, as compared to the quick fix modern medication which comes with its pack of side effects and may also lead to addiction of those sleeping drugs.

People suffering from insomnia often get tensed about getting enough sleep. Thus the more they try to sleep, the more frustrated and upset they get, and it gets harder to sleep.

Causes of Insomnia:

According to Modern Medicine:

Modern scientific studies prove that brain activities are stimulated even while people are sleeping. Hormonal activity is at its most active pace while we are sleep. Thus, if we do not have sound and deep sleep with frequent disruptions (and symptoms mentioned above), hormonal production can fall. As a result can lead to major issues like hypothyroidism etc. and definitely there would not be a complete healing of worn out muscles.

That’s why people with insufficient or disrupted sleep wake up feeling tired, stressed, and want to sleep more. Thus Failure to rest and recover from mental and physical stresses adds more tension to your entire physiological, mental, emotional, physical functions. This can lead to higher pain sensitivity, muscle/ joint pain, major sleep disorders, depression, fatigue, anxiety, poor memory etc.

All of them taken under one roof can also be termed as fibromyalgia by modern science.

Ayurveda and Yoga explain ‘The Monkey Mind and Insomnia’:

Insomnia in Ayurveda is termed as ‘Anidra’, and is considered as a disorder in itself or a condition or symptom which can give rise to other health issues or diseases.

Ayurveda describes the two pillars of a healthy life in the form of healthy eating habits according to one’s body constitution, and good quality and quantity of sleep.

If you suffer from what the classical yogic texts term as the ‘monkey mind’, where your thoughts jump around from one topic to another topic, keeping you in a constant state of stress, or not allowing you to concentrate at all, you could be suffering or are most likable to suffer from various patterns of insomnia as mentioned above. The Monkey Mind is like a constant chatter box which could be mostly based with negative thoughts of fear, worry, insecurity, superiority/inferiority complex etc. leading to insomnia, anxiety, depression, decrease in libido, mood disorders, anger, irritation and thus could also lead to other major psychosomatic disorders.

Poor sleep or lifestyle habits that may cause insomnia or make it worse:

  • Going to bed at different times each night
  • Daytime napping
  • Personal or work stress
  • Poor sleeping environment, such as too much noise or light
  • Spending too much time in bed while awake
  • Working evening or night shifts
  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Using the television, computer, or smart phone in bed
  • Unhealthy eating habits or over eating certain foods in excess which are not suitable to your body constitution such as kidney beans, chick peas, sprouts, ground nut, increased intake of sour-e.g. sour fruits, tamarind etc /salty- e.g. pickles, crisps /spicy tastes e.g.- red chilies and other spices
  • Excessive intake of fermented food like breads, yogurt and other bakery food
  • Over intake of fermented south Indian dishes like idli/dosa, over indulgence of meat and sea food
  • Stopping natural urges of urination, excretion, flatulence, hunger, thirst etc.
  • Over intake of alcohol/tea/caffeine/fizzy drinks and other stimulants
  • Getting used to certain types of sleep medications. E.g. sedatives and anti depressants.

Physical, social, and mental health issues can affect sleep patterns, including:

  • Anxiety and depression disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders
  • Physical pain or discomfort like in chronic Arthritis, Skin disorders etc. where the main disorder needs to be treated.

Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia:

  • Trouble falling asleep on few or most nights
  • Feeling tired during the day or falling asleep during the day
  • Not feeling refreshed when you wake up
  • Waking up several times during sleep
  • Dreaming mostly through sleep
  • Increased mood fluctuations
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Lack of concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Increased confusion or difficulty to make decisions

Ayurveda Body Cure’s treatment plan for Insomnia:

Herbal remedies:

Depending on your individual body constitution, nature of the insomnia, climatic conditions, diet and lifestyle habits, and other health issues a permutation and combination of Jatamamsi – Nordostychis jatamansi, Bramhi – Bacopa moniera, shankhpushpi – Crotalaria verrucosa, etc is helpful to detoxify the physiological system, also helping at the same time to produce optimum body tissues. Thus steadily diminishing all the symptoms of Insomnia.

Diet & lifestyle recommendations:

Food articles like chick peas, chick peas flour etc. can play a major role in disturbing your sleep, thus our experienced and qualified Ayurvedic Physicians at Ayurveda Body Cure will suggest you a customized diet and lifestyle recommendation plan depending on your body constitution, climatic changes and other health issues involved.

Have a glimpse on diet plan for Insomnia

Panchakarma/ Detox therapies:

Medicated PurgationNasal medications are very effective detox therapies for solving the issue from its root, followed by a dose of herbal remedies from 3-6 months.

Ayurvedic Body treatments:

Shirodhara (third eye therapy), Abhyanga (full body massage),, Mardana (deep tissue massage), Pindsweda (hot poultice massage), Shiroabhyanga (head massage) etc. are very effective if taken in a series of 7 -21 therapies continuously.

Yoga postures and Breathing techniques:

Postures like Sarvangasana, VipreetKarni Mudra, Childs relaxation pose, Yoga nidra etc. are effective.

Breathing techniques of Brahmri and opposite nostril breathing are also very much helpful for inducing deep sleep.

Have a glimpse on yoga postures for Insomnia

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