
Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex or biological inability to carry pregnancy to full term. In many countries infertility refers to a couple that has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.

There are various causes of infertility, including some that medical intervention can treat. The ovulatory problems are the most common cause of female infertility which generally manifests by sparse or absence of menses (Amenorrhea). Fertile women experience a natural period of fertility before and during ovulation and are naturally infertile during the rest of the menstrual cycle. Cervical mucus or basal body temperature changes can be tracked to discern the above changes occurring during menstrual cycle under the term fertility awareness methods.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is considered as the monthly release of Ovum (an egg). The ovum travels from the ovary to the uterus (womb) where the fertilized egg grows. Female infertility may occur if:

A woman is most fertile in her early 20s. The age when fertility starts to decline varies from woman to woman. Infertility problems and miscarriage rates increase significantly after the age of 35.


Infertility can be divided into Primary and secondary infertility.

Primary infertility is defined as the absence of a live birth for a couple who have been in a union for at least one year without using any contraceptives.

Secondary infertility is defined as the absence of a live birth for a couple who have been in a union for at least five years since their last live birth without using any contraceptives.

Causes of infertility:

Causes of infertility in women –

  • Ovulatory problems such as eggs are not produced (polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), egg is not released from ovaries, etc.
  • Fertilized egg does not attach to linings of the Uterus
  • Fertilized egg or embryo does not survive after attaching to the lining of Uterus
  • Tubal blockage
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID) caused by infections like tuberculosis
  • Age-related factors (Advanced maternal age)
  • Uterine disorders
  • Endometriosis
  • Structural deformity in uterus, fallopian tube or ovaries
  • Hormonal imbalance such as under/over active thyroid glands (Thyroid disorder), etc
  • Lifestyle disorders: Diabetes, obesity, etc.
  • Clotting disorders
  • Smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.
  • Abnormal growths: such as fibroids or polyps, cancer or tumor in the uterus and cervix
  • Drug induced infertility E.g. chemotherapy drugs, long term use of NSAIDs, etc
  • Radiation therapy
  • Autoimmune disorders, such as anti-phospholipids syndrome (APS)
  • Birth defects that affect the reproductive tract (Anatomical deformity)
  • Eating disorders or poor nutrition
  • Scarring from sexually transmitted infection, abdominal surgery or endometriosis

Causes of infertility in men:

Semen is the milky fluid that is released by the genital of male during the intercourse. It consists of viscous fluid and sperm. Sperm must have right shape and able to travel rapidly and accurately towards the egg. The following semen issues are responsible for Male infertility:

  • Decreased sperm count (Oligozoospermia)(<10 million/ml)
  • No sperm (Azoospermia)
  • Low sperm mobility
  • Abnormal morphology of sperm (Teratozoospermia i.e. abnormal shape)
  • Bloackage of the male duct system
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Impotence
  • Structural or physiological defects of genital organs (birth defects)
  • Genetic deformity
  • Infection like Mumps (due to Mumps Orcitis)
  • Old age
  • Lifestyle disorders: ObesityDiabetes, etc.
  • Prolonged exposure to high heat.
  • Heavy use of alcohol, excessive smoking, drug abuse, etc
  • Medicines such as cimetidine, spironolactone, and nitrofurantoin
  • Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation
  • Premature ejaculation 
  • Scarring from sexually transmitted infections, injury, or surgery
  • Vasectomy or failure of vasectomy reversal
  • Abnormality in semen due to Testicular cancer or testicular surgery

Combined infertility

In some cases, both the male and female may be infertile/ sub-fertile due to this condition infertility can be arising. In other cases, the cause is suspected to be immunological or genetic; it may be that each partner is independently fertile but the couple cannot conceive together without assistance.

Ayurveda Body Cure’s treatment plan:

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science, describes “safe motherhood” Thus, “Motherhood is the basis of family life which, in turn, is the backbone of all the orders of society. Hence, family life remains protected if the woman is safe and protected.”

The most important part before conception is that the Shukra i.e. semen (in male) and the Artavam i.e. the Cataminal fluid (in female) should be normal. So it becomes necessary to treat the ailments such as Oligospermia, Azoospermia, etc in males and Menorrhagia, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea in females. The physical and mental preparation of both the partners for conception is also an essential part.

In the physical preparation before pregnancy, physically both the partners should be prepared accordingly to produce a healthy progeny. This depends upon the 4 aspects:

  • Conception period
  • Healthy womb (Uterus)
  • Proper nourishment to the zygote
  • Healthy sperm and ovum (egg).

Ayurveda Body cure’s treatment plan is prepared considering all the aspects such as your body constitution, degree of infertility, disorders related to menses or sexual disorders, etc. Infertility can be reversed if both the partners are fertile or sub-fertile and its management can be done with a proper treatment plan.

How Ayurveda can help with IVF-IUI?

Along with our treatment you can also seek for an IVF-IUI treatment in which our treatment plan will help you to improve your reproductive health before and during pregnancy and thus helps in sustaining the pregnancy. It also assures a better health of the progeny.

Our Ayurvedic specialist consultant will take your detailed consultation and accordingly a treatment plan will be given which includes various herbal medications, subtle detoxification/ Panchakarma, herbal massage based therapies, Yoga, exercise and Yogic breathing techniques.

Herbal medication:

Internal herbal medication are given after considering all the factors

A herbal combination may include Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Yashtimadhu (Glycchriza glabra), Lajvanti (Mimosa pudica), Tal makhana (Asteracantha longifolia), Bala beej (Abutilon indicum), Bramhi (Bacopa monieri) etc.

Herbal massage based therapies:

The following measures should be undertaken viz. Basti of various types like yog, rajyapana, uttar basti, etc, application of Kalka (levitated paste of herbal drugs), Pichu (medicated plugs – pecharies) and Achamana (washes with herbal decoctions) as described under the treatment of Gynecological cases in Ayurveda.

These therapies may also include Abhyanga (body massage), Mardana(deep tissue massage), etc. which mainly de-stress the body and mind thus helps in relaxing and reliving from psychological stress related to infertility, if any.


Panchakarma/Detoxification therapies should be done for both the partners before the conception takes place. It helps in the elimination of toxins rapidly from the body, thus removing the toxin barrier and enhancing the effect of herbal medications. Along with this it also helps in providing healthy environment (in body) for the process of conception so that the offspring is healthy in all aspects.

These include therapies like Vaman (detoxification through upper channels), Virechan (Detoxification through lower channels), Basti (enema therapy), Nasya (nasal medications), etc.

These subtle or intensive detoxifications as decided by our Ayurvedic Consultant will help you to achieve the desired results.

If the couple is healthy, this can also be done with a course of internal herbal drugs.

Diet and lifestyle recommendations:

Healthy eating habits and general dietary rules are suggested to improve your health. This will enhance your physical stamina by nullifying the effect of poor dietary habits. Along with the above treatment plan diet is also the main component in treating infertility as a primary or secondary cause.

Yoga and exercise recommendations:

Yoga and exercises are the most important part of your treatment to get relief from mental stress and other psychological disorder which are affecting your routine and aggravating the factors causing infertility.

Yoga postures like Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose), Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Marjaryasana (Cat Pose), Malasana (Garland Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), etc and breathing techniques like Kapalbhati, Anulom-vilom will help in relieving mental stress.
Thus Ayurveda Body Cure’s holistic treatment plan will help you to conceive and also increase the chances of sustaining pregnancy.

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