Detoxification/Panchakarma Training & for therapists and Ayurvedic Consultants

Course Availability: Any time of the year at the convenience of the student.
Eligibility: No prior Ayurvedic knowledge required.
Duration: 3 months

Introduction to Panchakarma.

Accumulation and obstruction of toxins leads to irregular and improper flow of energy and nourishment, which according to Ayurveda is considered to be the root cause of a disorder.

Panchakarma is an ancient technique of detoxification and purification of body mind and soul, developed, experimented and proven effective thousands of years ago by the Vedic sages of India.

Good health is a result of healthy mind, body and soul along with balanced metabolism, emotions and senses. Panchakarma helps us to attain this balance by detoxifying and purifying our system at physical, psychological and spiritual levels.

With Panchakarma you can provide the ultimate experience of detoxification for the mind, body and soul to your clients.


The course enables you to provide your clients with the countless and incomparable benefits of authentic Ayurvedic detoxification therapies. You can also add value to your existent professional profile through providing Ayurvedic detoxification therapies, which will also help to fetch a higher position at your workplace. Along with the detox therapies the course also helps you to understand diseases and health conditions that probably would require detoxification and select a particular detox therapy for a particular condition of the client’s health. Also it empowers you to perform independent detox therapies or assist in detoxification therapies like Virechan(purgation), Basti(enema), Nasya(nasal medication) etc.

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