Cause of Illness According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda recognizes six stages in the development of a disease. In Ayurveda these conditions can be identified or diagnosed with the help of seeing the clients gait, tongue, pulse, palpitating and percussing the abdominal area, and taking a detailed history of the client’s health issues.

Unfortunately, diagnosis in Modern medicine although with various technological advancement has methods to detect only the last three stages in the development of disease, where the disease is already in advanced stage in a person’s body. However with the above mentioned techniques Ayurvedic physicians have an ability to detect a disease even before it is not manifested. Thus the sooner it is detected, the easier it is to treat.

In short Ayurveda does not say ‘no’ to all the technologically advanced equipment used by the modern science to diagnose a disease, but it actually says that the human brain is far more superior than any other machine built ever.

Ayurvedic principles guide, teach and train the physician’s brain and senses to do the major part of the diagnosis, which most of the times are left undiagnosed even with the best modern equipment. You will have a better understanding as you read below.

Six Stages of Disease according to Ayurveda:

1. Toxin Accumulation

When toxins are unable to excrete themselves from the body because of poor diet, weak digestion, seasonal maladjustment, incompatible lifestyle, psychological disturbances etc., they eventually start accumulating. The lack of excretion of the toxins can be due to blocked micro or macro channels in the body due to the same reasons as mentioned above and are mainly aggravated by poor or unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. E.g. bloated stomach, increased flatulence, increased burping, poor sweating, etc.

2. Toxic Aggravation

The toxins continue to aggravate in their respective sites which increase intra-cellular microscopic pressure in the surrounding areas. Thus, increasing the symptoms by pressure of this toxic accumulation.

E.g. As mentioned above Toxic accumulation in the lower part of the intestine would cause bloated stomach, constipation, unsatisfactory bowel movements, stomach cramps, etc.

3. Toxic Overflow

As the toxins aggravate they begin to overflow into other nearby channels and organs. These toxins also get absorbed in the blood vessels and lymphatic drainage system and move to various other places and channels in our body.

E.g. Flatulence/bloating (toxic accumulation) will lead to constipation / unsatisfactory bowel movements (toxic aggravation) leading to hyper acidity or heart burn (toxic overflow).

4. Toxic Relocation

After the toxins overflow they also relocate in the other organs and sites, as mentioned above. And start to show illness and organ specific symptoms.

E.g. Flatulence/bloating (toxic accumulation) will lead to constipation / unsatisfactory bowel movements (toxic aggravation) leading to hyper acidity or heart burn (toxic overflow). This extra acid which needs to be excreted from the body (toxin) gets absorbed again into the bloodstream making the blood toxic. Like as this blood moves towards the face and head it can show symptoms of acne/pimples, hyperpigmentation on the face, hair loss/greying, hair thinning disturbed sleep, etc. known as toxic relocation.

PLEASE NOTE: Condition for Toxic Relocation – Manifestation & Outbreak: The movement of toxins by whichever channel to various parts of the body is determined by a mix of various factors like genetic constitution, seasonal changes, stress, diet and lifestyle and any particular repetitive habit or strain injuries in the body. With the mix of all these factors the weakest part of our body creates an ideal location for the toxins to relocate, manifest and culminate in full blown disorders.

Toxic Manifestation

Toxins migrate and manifest in various different body parts and organs where they do not belong and also there are no channels for excretion. Thus giving rise to specific symptoms where the illness can be identified and the treatment becomes difficult.

E.g. Flatulence/bloating (toxic accumulation) leads to constipation/unsatisfactory bowel movements (toxic aggravation) leading to hyper acidity or heart burn (toxic overflow). This extra acid which needs to be excreted from the body (toxin) absorbed into the blood again making the blood toxic, as this blood moves towards the face and head it can show symptoms of acne, hyperpigmentation on the face, hair loss, hair thinning, disturbed sleep, etc.(toxic relocation)

The symptoms are aggravated and the person complaints of either one or more of the following health issues: chronic constipation, piles, insomnia, balding, migraine, anxiety, etc. known as Toxic manifestation.

Toxic Outbreak

Toxins manifest as mentioned above in different body parts and organs where they do not belong and as there are no channels of excretion, these toxins even start over following from these sites in other parts of the body. Thus, creating more complications in an already dis-eased body and mind.

E.g. Flatulence/bloating (toxic accumulation) will lead to constipation / unsatisfactory bowel movements (toxicaggravation) leading to hyper acidity or heart burn (toxicoverflow). This extra acid which needs to be excreted from the body (toxin) absorbed into the blood again making the blood toxic, as this blood moves towards the face and head it can show symptoms of acne, hyper pigmentation on the face, hair loss, hair thinning, disturbed sleep, etc.(toxicrelocation)

The symptoms now are aggravated and the person complaints of either one or more of the following health issues: chronic constipation, piles, insomnia, hair balding, migraine, anxiety, etc. known as Toxic manifestation.

The above symptoms if not treated immediately from the root cause and toxins not excreted from the body, will out break and give chronic metabolic disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, various types of arthritis or musculo-skeletal disorders like fibromyalgia, psychosomatic disorders like depression etc., chronic gynecological ailments like ovarian cyst/polycystic ovarian syndrome/uterine fibroids etc. and the list continues.

PLEASE NOTE: Conditionfor Toxic Relocation – Manifestation & Outbreak: The movement of toxins by whichever channel to various parts of the body is determined by a mix of various factors like genetic constitution, seasonal changes, stress, diet and lifestyle and any particular repetitive habit or strain injuries in the body. With the mix of all these factors the weakest part of our body creates an ideal location for the toxins to relocate, manifest and culminate in full blown disorders.

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