Mardan: Deep Tissue Ayurvedic massage or Ayurvedic Marma Massage

Mardana is the Sanskrit name given in Ayurveda for the deep tissue massages.

In total 108 Marma points (Vital energy points) are given in Ayurveda as guidelines and used in various massages to revitalize the body, mind and consciousness. Our trained therapists stimulate these vital energy points with the help of fingers, knuckles, forearms, elbows etc. to give the right kind of pressure needed to stimulate these points. Going further the right blend of Ayurvedic herbal oils percolating inside every layer of skin enhances the effect and enables us to get the desired effects of:

  • Relaxing muscle tension
  • Dissolve knots in the body due to accumulation of lactic acid
  • Enable lymphatic drainage
  • Weight and inch loss
  • Invigoration and thus rejuvenating the body and mind.

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